Enhanced Specialised Nurse Training Programme (ESNTP)

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Under the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) Bangladesh, AKKHT and MGH have extended their collaborative relationship and developed the Enhanced Specialized Nurse Training Program (ESNTP), a programme of education and support for nurses at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) to become specialized nurses in the care of patients undergoing cancer treatments and bone marrow transplantation (BMT) at DMCH. This programme serves as a model to increase the capacity and professional skills of nurses in the public health sector.

The ESNTP is a one-year programme which complements existing nurse training initiatives and provides “world-class standard” to public health sector nurses who will be empowered with clinical skills, professional competence, technical expertise, and career confidence to offer comprehensive care to patients undergoing cancer treatment in the first bone marrow transplant program ever offered in Bangladesh.

The ESNTP will be focusing on the skilled nursing care of cancer patients at the DMCH in Bangladesh with a specific emphasis on the care of the bone marrow transplant patients. The ESNTP will leverage the training capacities of the AKKHT Nursing Bridge Program (NBP), faculty of Dhaka University College of Nursing (DUCN), physicians at the DMCH and the expertise of nurses and physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Simmons College School of Nursing and Health Sciences to educate nurses at DMCH to care for patients undergoing cancer treatments and bone marrow transplantation in Bangladesh.