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It is not a substitute for either the diploma or the degree programs. The bridge program supplements the knowledge attained from nursing schools or colleges. It is a continuing education program that leads to a certificate of recognition not a diploma. Only graduates of a nursing school can participate.This certificate is not a degree or diploma and hence does not require approval from Bangladesh Nursing Council.

The curriculum was designed by the Institute for Nursing Healthcare Leadership (INHL), the representative of “The Consortium of Harvard Affiliated Hospital Nursing Services”. This program is a comprehensive, up to date course that incorporates every aspect of nursing. Taught by local and foreign nursing experts, students will learn the best practices from around the world. English language and communication will be emphasized.

It is designed specifically for practicing nurses who wish to raise their practice level to western standards. Typically nurses with a diploma or degree from a recognized nursing school or college can apply for entry into this program. In general, we prefer that nurses have 1-2 years of work experience but will consider new graduates. Where, when and how long will this program occur? The program consists of approximately 6-12 months of classes that meet 2-3 times per week. The location and times of the program will be announced soon.

For nurses: Upon completion of this program, graduates will receive a certificate of recognition. Many graduates of the program in India have successfully passed the CGFNS exam and obtained jobs in the global healthcare market.

Other benefits include: Enhanced English communication. Improved anatomy, physiology and pharmacology knowledge exposure to the current, best global practices in nursing.

For patients and healthcare administrators: Overall, it leads to better quality healthcare and patient outcomes. Nurses who go through this program perform better at their jobs.