Nursing Bridge Programme (NBP)

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Nursing Bridge Programme (NBP)

The Nursing Bridge Program (NBP) established by AKKHT in collaboration with AHED Global Healthcare Inc, is a one-year, world-class continuing education program for practicing nurses whose curriculum was designed by the Institute for Nursing Healthcare Leadership (INHL), a U.S.-based non-profit organization for nursing professional development activities in a consortium of six Harvard Medical School-affiliated hospitals. The AKKHT, through its collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital and Simmons College School of Nursing, develops and delivers the NBP curriculum by qualified and experienced local and foreign faculties.

The NBP supports practicing nurse with continuous professional development as a means to develop new skills and aims to enable existing nurses in Bangladesh attain globally competitive standards through improved clinical knowledge, exposure to latest innovations, development of critical thinking ability, and evidence-based nursing practice. In addition, English modules designed for different proficiency levels enable nurses to improve their skills in English communication to better grasp and participate in NBP classes conducted in English. Nurses are also provided lessons on the use of Computers and the Internet.

NBP is targeted to nurses currently employed in recognized health care delivery institutions across Bangladesh, with classes being held at the partnering hospital to ensure ready participation of nurses and to complement the work schedule of participants.

The NBP uplift the standards of nursing practice in hospitals and other organizations. It makes nurses more familiar and comfortable with current global best practices in nursing. It also helps nurses communicate better. Overall, it leads to better quality healthcare and patient outcomes. It is not a substitute for either the diploma or the degree programs; rather it supplements the learning that nurses have already received from their nursing schools or colleges.

The A K Khan Healthcare Trust is spearheading dramatic change in the sector of Nursing in Bangladesh by initiating the idea to promote and train the existing nursing workforce and uplift their knowledge and skill level to that of international standards.